“We Can Do It” Mental Health Awareness Ride for PSNE, St. Thomas, ON and other CSI

“We Can Do It” Mental Health Awareness Ride for PSNE, St. Thomas, ON and other CSI
by Lori Pelley
(St. Thomas, Ontario)
2008 “We Can Do It” Mental Health Awareness Mountain Bike Ride, St. Thomas ON to Grand Bend, ON
A Challenge started this Volunteer Ride for Mental Health on making it all the way to Niagara Falls from St. Thomas, ON. I loved it and started the “We Can Do It” Run with other volunteers and members of Pychiatric Survivors Network of Elgin in St. Thomas, ON.
We now ride yearly for our Organization and other Consumer Survivors Initatives CSI to show anyone one can do this with encouragement and support. We do our own fundraising and supplies by doing bake sales, basket draws, and the occassional barbecues, etc as Funding is not available to help any other way.
I just want to say thank you to those riders and members who have helped keep us going and encourage others to try it’s not about how fast or how quick you arrive it’s about having fun and being together.
We are working on the 2009 June Ride, which this year we have split into two rides to allow those who cannot do long runs to participate. 1st is to Strathroy 100km return and the 2nd is to Niagara for those more experienced which is a 400 km return.
Thanks for the opportunity to post