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About Me and This Mountain Bike Website


I know you came here to learn more about mountain biking, but you may want to read about how and why I created this site.

It may even surprise you and also spark some ideas of your own.

I love nothing more than riding my bike. Sadly though, unless you are a professional with a big name sponsor, it doesn’t pay well.

When I am flying down some tight single track or about to do the biggest drop I have ever tried I forget about my daily worries of paying bills or going to work and just live in the moment, in my own little world.

You know the feeling I am talking about. If you didn’t you probably wouldn’t still be reading this. Right?

Unfortunately I am not one of the blessed few who can ride bikes for a living. And as much as I love the feeling you get when you are ‘in the zone’ it doesn’t pay for my mortgage, car or groceries.

When I decided to make this website, I wanted to live in a world where I could spend more time out on my bike and less time worrying about how I could pay the incoming bills. I wanted to live in a world where I could help others to discover this great sport and help them to get that same feeling where your surroundings are flying past in a blur yet time seemingly slows as you spot a rock in the trail and adjust your line slightly as you prepare for the obstacle ahead.

Thanks to this website, I am living in the world I have always wanted. This is a world where everyday people are discovering new trails, trying out new techniques and discovering the addictive sport of mountain biking with the help I have provided on this site.

My greatest joy and the thing I know best, is riding bikes and helping others to discover more about mountain biking.

This website…

Allows me to help people I’ll never meet by giving me a forum to offer my knowledge and experience to a worldwide audience…

…which puts my knowledge to work for me, earning money that keeps me in my own little mountain bike world.